Educational Resources

About the database

UXPALA created a tool with Airtable to compare various UX programs. Training options range from boot camps to Ph.D. degrees, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. Many programs are available online.

Whether you're new to UX or a seasoned pro seeking additional training in UX design or research, explore the listed programs. Filter by State, Program Type, Tuition, Degree, and more.

The data for these programs was collected between September 2020 and March 2021. To suggest adding a program, fill out the provided form.

  • California UX Programs

    Considering a UX Program in California? You can view by City,Type, Tuition, Degree, and several other facets. If you do not see a program and would like to add one, you can use the Form to let us know.

  • On Demand, Online, and Bootcamp Programs

    Are you looking for an online or bootcamp UX program? You can view by Program Length, Program Type, Tuition, and Certificate type. If you know of a program that we did not include, please let us know by filling out the form.

  • All State Programs

    Want to view 100’s of options for UX education in the United States? You can view by State, City Program Program Type, Tuition, Degree, and many other facets. If you know of a program that we did not include, please let us know by filling out the form.